The little-known banker’s secret, the Infinite Banking Concept (IBC) is all about putting yourself in control of your own financial situation by utilizing participating Whole Life insurance.

Through the IBC, individuals can create a vehicle in which they can take the banking function and use it on their own level. To utilize the process, a person must be committed to learn, understand and trust it to eventually Become Your Own Banker.

At McGuire Financial Group, they have certified IBC advisors who can explain how the process works and if both the client and advisor are on the same page after a consultation, a person can begin to implement the process in their life.

Another avenue McGuire Financial has been able to drive home the benefits of the IBC are through their Bankers’ Secret bootcamps, which they host twice a month on Saturdays. The bootcamps are hosted in both the cities of Edmonton and Calgary, Alberta.

McGuire has been doing these bootcamps since 2010. The idea for the bootcamps arose as McGuire’s advisors gained more and more knowledge about the IBC and how one can apply it to their everyday financial lives.

“I have previous experience doing seminars to educate the general public so we decided that this would likely work for becoming your own banker,” explained Glen Zacher, CEO and founder of McGuire Financial Group.

“When we first started, we discovered the concept in 2008 and we used to do evening seminars. We hosted two hour seminars for people and as the interest grew we expanded the bootcamps.”

The interest in McGuire’s bootcamps continued to grow after they created a partnership with Edmonton’s 630CHED where they have a radio show in which an IBC expert speaks about how to Become Your Own Banker and all the aspects surrounding the IBC.

As the viewership grew with their show on 630CHED, McGuire reached out to a Calgary radio station to do a similar show on the concept of “speaking to the experts” about the IBC and Becoming Your Own Banker. Since February 2015, McGuire Financial continues to have this weekly radio show in Calgary.

McGuire strives to provide as much information about how the IBC works, which is the main reason they decided to begin the bootcamps.

“People are looking for alternatives and when they hear us on the radio talking about how people can take control of their money without risk, without being tied to traditional markets like stocks, bonds, etc., it perks their interest. It’s not an investment of any kind and this process is educating people on the process and taking control of the banking function down to the ‘me and you level’,” said Zacher, who is a certified IBC advisor.

The goal of the bootcamps is to educate participants about the process.

“They can mimic the four functions of being the bank owner, the banker, the depositor, and the borrower. It allows people to be in total control of their money. This is what we educate people on. Through this process we show people how to buy cars, recapture debt and the efforts of this process is to recapture all the interest one would otherwise take to a traditional bank. Our whole team participates in the material of the bootcamps,” added Zacher.

Glen Zacher  is a certified IBC advisor who leads the bootcamp sessions and has spent years learning from the best IBC minds. Through this education, the two strive to share and pass on this knowledge to those interested in implementing the process into their own lives.

“We continue to educate ourselves with this process with these same folks. We’re always learning new advanced strategies with this concept and we’ve developed some of our own. We present that to our existing clients in advanced training and then pass that onto newer clients,” said Zacher.

Through McGuire Financial’s Bankers’ Secret bootcamps, participants can learn a new avenue to take control of their finances.

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